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Friday, February 24, 2012

Forgiveness and Love for others (brothers and sisters in Christ)

It is difficult to understand sometimes why people act the way they do. Before I use to look up articles to even see if I could understand what such behavior meant, but now I give up. Lord, I put it all in your hands. I don't want to be a hindrance to anyone or a stumbling block especially to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lord you have been showing me that I need to check my motives and make sure that my desires are according to your will and that is what I have been trying to do. I am examining myself and renewing my mind with your word. Forgive me treating others the way they treated me. It is no excuse, but I found it difficult to address this particular individual regarding their behavior and assumptions, so I just tried to ignore the situation and avoid talking with the individual in general. God however calls us to love one another as Christ has loved us and if we have a problem to go and speak with that brother or sister in Christ in person. Your word says to confess our sins to one another. I am sorry God that I have failed to do this. Please give me the strength and wisdom to deal with this situation. I thank you for changing my focus and attention to be placed on You, and I live to make you happy and to glorify You so please help me to do what is right in your eyes and not mine. I love you :)