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Monday, March 12, 2012

Dear God I want to hear from you

God, I want to hear from you. Why aren't you speaking? Speak for your servant listens. I learned this week that I can't begin to love others truly the way You love me until I know what it means to be deeply in love with You. I love you, but I know that I have put other things before you in the past. Please forgive me. Change my heart attitude, 24 hours I want to desperately be seeking after you, in my thoughts, words, actions. I love you, but I want to know what it means to give everything up and to rely only on you, to be madly in love with you. I know that in order to do this I must first ask you for forgiveness for living in my own strength and trying to do things in my own strength, especially love others. I need to put off any things that are not of you: selfish attitudes, self righteousness and see myself just as a sinner, my true nature, a sinner saved by grace. Thank you God. I know you have good things in store for those who love you and I want every second to be a working minute for me, towards your kingdom. I thank you that you are helping me reveal more about myself and to feel comfortable with myself just as I am, comfortable with the fact that you love me and that's enough. I want to love others who know no love. Destroy any judgmental thoughts and attitudes as soon as they try to take place in my heart or mind. It is not of you...only love. This week I will practice

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