God is always good! Even when I feel discouraged, I know that if I put my trust in God and stand steadfastly in His love, then everything will work out just fine. Through the past few months it feels like I have been on a spiraling journey with God. He has been showing me things, breaking my heart to love as He does, teaching me about fear and the fear of reverence for Him. God has been reshaping my confidence and a confidence that is dependent on Him. Knowing God and just how Great He is really makes me know that I can overcome any situation, that I can do anything. When my eyes are focused on God it is hard to sink, but when I focus on others or give into distractions or try to rely on my own effort then that is when I become discouraged. I pray for more godly friends so that I can continue to exhort and be exhorted and encouraged to live for Christ. He is my only pursuit and passion.God is telling me to follow Him and to do so now. I can face the world with God. I am resolved and determined to share the Gospel and this treasure of abundant life. I can't wait to see God where you are going to take me next. There are so many people hurting, wanting to know if you really do exist? and how to have a relationship with you. There are some who believe they are unworthy of any relationship and can never earn your forgiveness. I want to tell them that you died for their sins and no matter how deep the sin, if they put their trust in the work Jesus did on the cross for them, believe in their heart and repent then God salvation is for them too. Salvation is for everyone.
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