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Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Morning prayer

I am sitting in a starbucks slowly sopping on a medium hot chocolate and reminiscing on Sunday's message about the spiritual discipline of silence and solitude. In my mind, I also have thoughts about Robin Williams and the suicide. A co-worker told me knife marks were found on his hands and something about a belt being used. It hurts because I wonder what desperation and what pain could make someone want to think about taking their own life. These are the people I want to encourage. Some people might look at the rich and famous and think that they have it all and live perfect lives. I look at them and I think that they are as human as all of us, but have to deal with living up to a supreme image of having everything all together. And if something in their lives should go wrong they fall under the condemnation and judgement not just of one or two opinions, but thousands, only to try to reshape themselves and get back to work to forever live up to a supreme image. How burdensome! I remember praying for success. By the time I was in fifth or sixth grade there was more or less three famous options I grappled with: to be a famous writer, athlete or singer, but  my worldview of fame, seeing Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey and all these other mega stars meant countless trips to Disney land, All you can Eat Buffets and graduating from wearing hand me downs.

My favourite movie from Robin Williams was the classic Mrs. Doubtfire. I previewed some youtube videos of him and watch him so happy and rejoicing when he won an Oscar. I love seeing people smile. I am reminded in his smile how his soul and life is precious to God. Every soul, every life! I pray for the rich and the famous because they are just like everyone else, the only difference is the money and assets which can cause a divide in relationships and other problems. |

Lord I pray for those that are hurting or that feel desperate and see no way out of their circumstance. Whisper truth into their ears that you love them and gave your only son Jesus to die for them and that life is not found in the abundance of things. No amount of clothes, shopping, food, money or even family or friends can make someone happy, but there is a Creator who created each and everyone of us to be in relationship with them. And if they are searching for something, just try you. Tell God everything on your heart and ask Him to come into your life and change your heart. Be honest and don't think that your wrongdoings, mistakes or sins make you unworthy to ask for forgiveness or to talk to God. Prayer is talking to God. There is no secret formula to it.

Well, as my whip cream has now melted into the hot chocolate and the hot chocolate is becoming warm, I would consider it time for me to go and head onto work.

Lord give me strength-I want to do things in your strength with the help of the Holy Spirit and not mine because then I just get frustrated and at times where mercy should be rendered I don't render it. Lord help me to love as you do and as I begin my day and think about all that I have to do I know that worry is not an option.

This has become my new verse that I will have to memorize and just let grow inside of me as I have often been known to be anxious:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition present your requests to God.

And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

Saturday, August 9, 2014


I thank you that you are always here and you promise never to leave me or forsake me and that's what I love best. I love that I can trust you and you remain that beam of hope in my darkest times. This world today there is no surprise it is chaotic. Lord sync my heart with yours  to be passionate about those things you are passionate about. I thank you for those gifts and ideas that you have instilled within me and given me to use for the ministry and I pray that all those who love you will rise up and not be complacent in their faith, including myself, but will use them to demonstrate your love and share the gospel with others. Lord we want to be a people that demonstrate not only in words but in deeds. Lord we want to be a people that are on fire for you and not cold or lukewarm. I want your love to resonate and revival to burn all over the world bringing people to you. Give me eyes that see time as opportunity, time as limited, time as needing to be redeemed and people as wanting to be loosed from whatever bondage of pain, depression, homelessness, or whatever bondage they are in. I pray that in everything I will not dear but once entertain ideas of thinking of myself highly and if the slightest thought or temptation yet comes into my mind, bring scripture to mind that I might recite everyone has fallen short of the glory of God that I may be reminded of my human frame, but as I see humility and above all wisdom grant me those desires of my heart. I want to change people's perspectives on life I will go in the power and might of the Lord and not in my strength which is useless. I believe I can and will do all those things that you have called me to do not in my own effort but through Christ who strengthens me. Most importantly Lord I AM READY

to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
    and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

(Luke 4:18-19)