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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Spiritual Warfare...Trust God

God is good! These past two weeks have been a time of training and spiritual warfare for me. God's mercy and faithfulness is everlasting. God however made it really clear to me that I am not fighting flesh, but against principalities, against powers and against the rulers of darkness. The enemy felt more real to me these past two weeks as the enemy attacked and tried to break me down. My only response was to trust God. I thank you Lord that I can just trust you and there is no more doing it my way. This week God showed me how important it is to be discerning and He gave me spiritual wisdom. Thank you Jesus. I thank God for those who were praying for me and I know that God protects His own and will bring all my enemies to shame. While I won't get into details, I had people with wrong intentions to hurt me, but God always turns those wrong intentions around for His glory. I hope that I showed them in my dealing with their negativity towards me what it means to love Jesus, what it means to trust God. I know I still have a way to go in my relationship with Him, but I love God and I know that all things work together for good for those who are called  according to His purpose. Show mercy to my enemies, because God reconciled me to Him while I was an enemy. A picture of loving my enemies is displayed through God's mercy to me as I too was once an enemy toward God. I see enemies now as a chance to love even more, love more in the face of adversity and to show the mercy given to me from God.

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