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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lessons about Love

God, you are so good. You have been reshaping my views on love. The love of the world is different from your love. I don't think anyone could say they would be willing to die for an enemy. If a man stands on trial and is sentenced to death for the murder of an innocent and child, which mother or father would forgive the murderer and then stand in proxy ready to take the murderer's place and be executed. Your love reminds me of this, but different in that you are HOLY. All humanity is a sinner and so we are deserving of the penalty of sin which is death physically (on this earth) and spiritually (eternal damnation). Sin demands punishment and there are no good works that I could have ever offered you to get me off the hook, but God You loved us (the whole world) so much that you were willing to send your only Son, 100% Holy to die and take the punishment for my sins...that's love. Now by faith in the saving work that Jesus did on the cross and His resurrection I can live a life more fulfilled here on earth (with a changed perspective of my purpose) and after when I physically die, my soul will go on to live in your presence forever. You are wonderful! Who wouldn't want to believe and be saved and experience life to the fullest on earth and eternity not having to bear the eternal punishment of damnation? Lord, I know it is so hard for people to admit that they are sinners. After all, our world today sends the message to be confident, to be proud of who we are and what we do, to enjoy life because there is only one life to live, to enjoy the pleasures of indulging in sin, partying, drinking, engaging in sexual intercourse and living life to the fullest, but God does this really satisfy? The world's pleasures may be fun, but it will never be fulfilling, after the fun has subsided you are even more thirstier for something that will satisfy. We were all created to be in relationship with You and unless we have that relationship, we will continue to look for happiness and love in all the wrong places. 

You have been showing me that as a believer, I need to represent Christ love to others. I need to show them when the world forsakes them, condemns them, hates them and judges them as a sinner that I am right there beside them to say: "we are all sinners and even as a sinner God loves you so much and desires that you come to know Him personally and He wants to give you eternal life, not eternal damnation, because it is His will that all should come to repentance." If we acknowledge our sins before God, repent and believe that He sent Jesus to die for our sins then we shall be saved, God is not like man, He is ever faithful to forgive us. His love is a sacrificial love and no one can out do Him in loving. 

I thank God that He is changing my perspectives on love and showing me new things I desire to love as He loves.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Life lessons: A new chapter

Currently, I am out of a job, but looking. In a few months, I will be heading back to school for a teaching certification, an endeavor I am still a bit confused about. If you were to ask me if I wanted to become a teacher a year ago, it would have been an absolute "no" without any further discussion. Teaching brings a whole heap of responsibility attached and I have so many other passions and interests that I want to pursue and feel I could do much better at and although my teaching strategies have somewhat improved, I feel I need a lifetime (which could be dedicated to other areas that I am good at) to become a great teacher. "Teaching is difficult" I would have said and even more so you feel the pains of disappointment when you put all your effort into planning and teaching, but some students don't seem to be improving or some kids are confused, disinterested, bored and quickly losing interest. I know, make it fun! Highly discouraging when your idea of fun and creativity turns out to be a flop.

A year later the feelings still lingered and I have to make a decision about what program to pursue. Time is flying, I need to pursue graduate studies next term because I am only getting older and need to become more stable in life, have a steady income and provide for my family (parents and myself). My parents aren't getting any younger and they should be retired by now. Pretty soon I will be signing  my name in another age bracket (hint hint). Of course, I have been struggling with teaching, but it provides me stability, it keeps me challenged, I like learning and with my teaching certification doors will be opened up throughout the world for me to teach and be a missionary as I have dreamed. The idea of becoming a missionary teacher seemed quite appealing. I had begun to build up enthusiasm for teaching, enjoying the kids was the easier part, but teaching well and explaining material that the students understood and could say "yes i got it!" was the most difficult and in a way it still remains challenging for me, 

Whereas many people would say their main motivation was because they love teaching and enjoy when their students get it, my main motivation is to learn how to become a better teacher so that I can share in the benefits of when my students understand. Most importantly, I realized that teaching is a vehicle for missions and sharing the Gospel with others. The art of explaining information in a way conducive to learning is one aspect of teaching, but the other aspect of being able to influence a student by taking time out to spend with them, showing them that you genuinely care and love them for who they are and their unique abilities is the other part that God is calling me too. I am a little nervous about entering the teaching program, but this time around on my educational journey, I will enter full heartily knowing that this is a part of my mission. The other part for sure revolves around international development and creating social supports, but for this season in my life God chooses to start me off with teaching and I need to submit. Where He leads me I will follow...Amen!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Unity and Family

To be honest, I never paid much attention to the idea of having a family. It was quite far fetched from my mind. Although I spoke more about it when talking about my future endeavors just an automatic and expected response that society expects to hear from an aging young adult. This week however God has really been speaking to me about "unity and family" and loving my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, putting their interests above mind. This is a different type of love. Love is willing and self sacrificial. God has been confirming through His word that when I love as Christ loves and if all Believers in Christ love as He does we will be so powerful, there will be unity and nothing will be able to dismantle us or blur our mission or distract us from sharing the Gospel with those who desperately need to hear and see a different love from what the world has to offer.