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Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I'll have to step back and think! I'll have to take a step back and pray! I urgently need wisdom from God. I don't like living anxiously, but in everything I am reminded that I should give thanks and be in prayer. This is life Lord and I can't just let it pass by without doing what really matters or doing any work for the kingdom. The past few days have got me seriously thinking about opportunities around the world to serve an to use the gifts that you have blessed me with.

I reflect on almost a year ago when the only thing that mattered was pleasing you, I was on a purging diet from worrying about all the cares of this world. I reckoned that if I could just draw closer to YOU Lord, I could be spiritually strong.

It feels like I'm desperately failing these string of tests and temptations to be a good steward with what you have given me, to love like you do  and to give. I am all over the place right now Lord and I need direction and most of all guidance and wisdom in every decision made.

Forgive me for selfish living and not always considering others above myself. Forgive me for not trusting you fully to deliver me from difficult situations and for anxious thinking and living. There's so much Lord, but you know it all and I am trusting you to help me focus on the kingdom and storing treasures on Heaven than on earth.

Friday, November 8, 2013


The following may not be the best translation....hey! It may not even come close since I still need to work on my grammar, but I will do my best. Also please excuse my missing grammar marks as I do not have my keyboard set on french.

J'ai demande a Dieu s'il etait heureux avec son peuple, quand nous commencons a crier et lui donner la grace,especialement durant les temps de besoin. C'est comme nous avons fait du bruit dans les oreilles et rien d'autre. C'est comme nous n'avons prendre au Dieu serieux dans nos vies et seulement t'a appelle quand il y a un probleme ou concerne.

Est-ce qu'on vraiment savoir le travaille de Dieu?

Durant les semaines prochaines je vais etre pensee de ma vie (je vais reflechir a ma vie) et mon relation personnel avec Dieu. Je vais ecrire un plan d'intervention (je ne put pas trouver un autre mot pour ce qui je veux dire) Mais essentialement c'est mon desir de se rapprocher de Dieu. Merci et parlez avec vous bientot!