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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dear Jesus

I am so guilty. Guilty of selfishness, guilty of taking things for granted and worse of all  guilty of not counting my blessings and not always giving thanks. It was difficult to realize these patterns in my life especially when I was concerned about meeting my needs. I didn't think about others as I once use too. You showed me that I can't change by myself I can't carry my own burdens and change my thoughts or path in life, I need YOU.

Jesus sometimes I look at the faults of others instead of focusing on myself. Sometimes I make excuses because I don't want to feel like I failed or I am not as knowledgeable in a certain area of my life. I don't want to admit the failures because if I do I won't feel as worthy. This has been holding me back in a meaningful relationship with you. If I can't admit and swallow failures in my everyday relationships with others then how can I expect to confess my wrong doings against you sincerely. I know I am not perfect, there is none righteous but YOU.

I need YOU. I want YOU to take full control of my life with no conditions attached. Use me as you please, put your desires in my heart and make my hopes your hope. I want YOU to shine through me. I want your beauty. This is my desire.

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