I have a desire to learn more about Your love Jesus. I want to know what it means to love like you love, although this will be most difficult especially in the world today. I want to know what love feels like without boundaries, loving and fervently praying for those who hurt me. Loving with forgiveness. Loving those that are most vulnerable and the outcast of society. I desire to love like you do. I don't want to love for love in return or for mere convenience and the benefits or satisfaction of receiving love in return.
God You are greater than all our problems and the love that You showed by sending your only Son to die for sinners demonstrates the essence of love. Loving me despite my faults and failures or the endless wrongs that I have committed against you.
I rely only on You, but I know that You will bring special people into my life, who I must look after, special sheep, people that are hurting or longing for care and I want to do my best to witness to them not just in word, but deeds.
Please help me with the desires that have been placed on my heart. Help me to win the endless battles in my mind. I am more than a conqueror and I constantly want to be focusing on how to glorify your name, share the Gospel and serve the emotional needs of others. Thank you for the sheep and Shepphards that You have brought in my life and will bring in my life. Help me to love as You love me and not for convenience. This is my desire.
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