Dear Jesus,
I haven't written since August. Wow! for about 3 months now. There has been alot that has happened to me in 3 months and I feel that you are revealing new insights to me day by day. You have come to really stress and show me that our world is made up of hurting people and people who are searching for answers. I know that you have called me to minister to those that are hurting. I have to admit that my faith is not even as strong as it was when I wasa child. It is so much easier for adults to think about everything and reason about decisions rather than just praying about it and stepping out in faith. I have been thinking about serving as a missionary abroad somewhere. I knew from an early point on my life that money was not everything. People have billions of dollars only for awhile and then leave it behind, to face eternity with nothing, and not having You. I have decided then that I have to invest in eternity. It is just my faith Jesus, please help my unbelief. I reviewed my relationship with You and I realized that an essential part of my relationship with you was in dire need of being restored. Communication. Wow! I had everything else, worship, studying, reading, but I failed to have the most basic element in our relationship: constant communication. Maybe, I was too selfish and just enjoyed talking more thatn I did listening, but as I investigated this more deeply, my prayer life with you was almost non existent. If you love somebody, you will desire to seek them and be in constant communication with him or her, but for me I had neglected this single concept. For this reason, I will work hard on my prayer life because that is what prayer is: hard work. It is not just a matter of convenience which I had of wanting to talk with you only when I had a problem or an immediate need, but it is loving you so much that I want to be around You all the time to talk to You and to take delight in You. Well, my time is almost up and I must get back to work, so until I see You, I pray that you will help me demonstrate a selfless love to people who are hurting and I look forward to my quiet times with You.
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