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Monday, December 26, 2011

It is not by works!

"When you sing, think about the words. Can't you see what it is saying, it is so powerful." As a young child, I was part of the children's choir, not by force, but I loved singing. Although I was never good with harmony, I could belt out a tune. I use to listen to a song over and over again, studying the singer's every vocal movement. I knew when to take a breath and when and how to change my voice to sound exactly like the record. If it didn't work then I would try and try and try again until we were almost one voice. I did think about the words here and there and often with slow ballads, which were my favorite to sing. Slow songs often transferred so much emotion whether it was a song about love or pain, the ballads of instruments coming together with a vocalist helped me to connect with the song on an emotional level, even if I could not relate to the lyrics, it made me think about how I would feel if I had such an experience.

Words, they are so powerful.

Lord, this week has been a good week for me. Despite celebrating your birthday, I was so touched by understanding the Gospel. Okay, I know I have said this before, but just when I think I have a full grasp of the Gospel in its simplest form , you introduce me to more vivid images and examples that simplifies it even more and makes me truly understand the essence of eternal life.

I began sharing the Gospel with others and this is something that I am guilty of not doing. I am guilty of being complacent in my relationship with you and trying to use you as a Savior for the times when I am in most in need. Jesus I am so sorry and I apologize for my selfishness and selfish desires.

I really didn't understand your word and I have no one to blame, but me. I was too wrapped up with this world, you know.

Someone has come over, so I will finish this thought later, but I am so happy that I don't need to do anything for salvation and neither does anyone else. You did it all. Thank you

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