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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dear Jesus

"Look guys there's _______________" It was probably the first time that I had ever gotten so close to a famous person before. ______________was known as the 100 meter sprinter gold medalist.  There he was in a suit and tie all glamored up for the night. The night was quite glamorous indeed. Myself and other highschool classmates were selected to attend a very big awards ceremony. The ceremony would feature some very popular people and important people from the world of politics. Politics was the last thing I was passionate about so I didn't really jump for joy at the sight of the politicians. However, in the back of my mind I had made a decision that if I didn't become a writer or a singer, I would want to become an athlete, particularly a sprinter. In elementary school I dreamt of my future as a professional runner.  It was often highlighted with me running through the finish line, the red banner falling to the ground and my hands lifted high and waving in the air. The announcers were over excited and screaming "Oh my gosh she did it we've never seen anything like this a new world record," but unfortunately or fortunately that was not the route God had me to take.

My highschool principal had a few tickets for the awards ceremony and  those tickets were passed down to a few students, I being one of them. The ceremony was meant to motivate us youngsters to aim for the top. I remember the speech of a young girl who had graduated from highschool with an outstanding GPA. She spoke eloquently of her achievements and faithfully thanked her parents and mentors. I thought she was so smart and mature, I am not sure if I thought I had what it took to even consider competing on her level. The experience was motivating for me, but a far fetched dream. Jesus why was I here? I was not yet mature no matter how hard I tried. My notion of maturity was quite construed, maturity rather meant acting older and looking older, gaining experiences that I never had by creating them for myself without commiting to responsibility.

 At the cermony my seriousness could only be contained for so long before the immaturity began to kick in.  Although I certainly was not wild, I more or less love to make people laugh and to laugh myself. It was not long before others and I decided we were hungry and decided to scavenger hunt nearby convenience stores and take out restaurants that could feed our sudden appetites on a budget. My one friend stayed behind, she was quite mature. I  secretly aspired to be like her. She was a role model indeed,  an apparent hardworker and very intelligent.

Those of us who had gone on the scavenger hunt for food got back  in time for the closing of the ceremony. I told my mother all about the ceremony, the glamour, the awards, the famous athlete. It was amazing. It was a dream come true, and I mean literally a dream come true. Who would have known but You Lord,  that in your plan for my life a  few years later you would provide me with another opportunity to attend the awards ceremony, only this time to walk across the stage and accept an award.

To be continued-
"One thing I have desired of the Lord,
That will I seek:
That I may fdwell in the house of the Lord
All the days of my life,
To behold the 2beauty of the Lord,
And to inquire in His temple."
(Psalm 27:4)

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