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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dear Jesus

Today on my way home from church I saw an old man sleeping holding onto his accordian. He was wearing a suit, all dressed up. Across his body he wore a banner that had a cross on the front and hallelujah written on the back. I closely scanned him up and down, both his face and his hands showed his age. I thought Jesus look at this man evangelizing. He is in his old age and still seeking to do your will, but I sat on the train thinking about what I have done for you, for the kingdom of God. I have done nothing. I keep saying that you know maybe someday, oneday, or maybe next year, but all those have come so many times and still I have nothing to show for my crown, to hear your "well done thy good and faithful servant." I feel lost. I know what to do, but don't do it, thinking I have all the time in the world like the rich fool. I want to spend more time with you and in your word. I will dedicate more time to you. I thank you for the gifts that you have given me.Show me and direct my footsteps. Everything I do I want to make sure it brings glory to your name. I need you to purify my heart and my mind. Give me understanding of your word, help to encourage me that I can share the gospel with others despite my lack of being the most eloquent speaker. Help me to forgive, to forget what others may think about me and to love with the love of God. I want to live not for myself but for you. Help me to remain focus.

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