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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dear Jesus

I am learning that I have to be accountable to someone in order for me to get things done and in order to not procrastinate. So, here it goes here is my two month plan. I don't want to think about each stage I just want to get it done. In two months, it is my desire to use my time more wisely. So what is on my mind and in my heart, I am asking God to bless.

Okay, so my tasks for this month:
to complete a focus group PPT on old hymns (it has been something that I started, but never did finish) I want to finish it (I only need to select 12 hymns, research it and create discussion groups based on the hymn)

Number 2 I would like to purchase a camcorder so that I may begin to keep video footages of my experiences. (like a video diary)

Number 3 I need to purchase a new NKJV bible

Number 4 I need to complete sending in graduate school applications.

So this is 4 tasks that I have 2 months to complete starting from today. It may seem simple but for a regular procrastinator this is a huge challenge, but I love Jesus so I am going to make sure that I please Him. My first step is getting organized and following through on desires that have come into my heart.

I am adding a new step, an by no means does an hour seem like enough time, but I just want that hour to learn more about Jesus (whether it is writing a song, reading my bible, watching a bible movie, listening to a program) I just need that hour of uninterrupted time to spend learning about Him and in prayer.

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