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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dear Jesus

I should be working on my lesson plan tomorrow, but I am thinking about my life. I am thinking about how difficult it is for me to just get my life in order when it comes to serving you. I start out good at first, but then I take my eyes off of you and my life turns another direction. How do I stay on track? Today I heard a message on generosity and the cheerful giver and I thought about just how selfish I was and some of the selfish decisions I have made in my life. It is so difficult though because when I focus my attention on serving you then others and myself last, sometimes when I do put others before myself it is hard to draw the line in terms of when people always just want to take from you all the time just because they know that you are always giving. I need you to give me wisdom. I just want YOU, and I know that YOU will always provide for me. I realized that when I had less I was so much more willing to give, but now that I have more it is as if I am holding onto what I have and also wanting more. It stops now Jesus, You are master over my life, so I ask you that you show me what it means to have abundance of life not in my possessions, but in You. Help me to follow your example of putting others first by reminding me of Your examples whenever I have decisions to make concerning giving. I also want to learn what it means to be a cheerful giver and what it means to make sacrifices for you. Teach me, show me, help me please.

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