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Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I'll have to step back and think! I'll have to take a step back and pray! I urgently need wisdom from God. I don't like living anxiously, but in everything I am reminded that I should give thanks and be in prayer. This is life Lord and I can't just let it pass by without doing what really matters or doing any work for the kingdom. The past few days have got me seriously thinking about opportunities around the world to serve an to use the gifts that you have blessed me with.

I reflect on almost a year ago when the only thing that mattered was pleasing you, I was on a purging diet from worrying about all the cares of this world. I reckoned that if I could just draw closer to YOU Lord, I could be spiritually strong.

It feels like I'm desperately failing these string of tests and temptations to be a good steward with what you have given me, to love like you do  and to give. I am all over the place right now Lord and I need direction and most of all guidance and wisdom in every decision made.

Forgive me for selfish living and not always considering others above myself. Forgive me for not trusting you fully to deliver me from difficult situations and for anxious thinking and living. There's so much Lord, but you know it all and I am trusting you to help me focus on the kingdom and storing treasures on Heaven than on earth.

Friday, November 8, 2013


The following may not be the best translation....hey! It may not even come close since I still need to work on my grammar, but I will do my best. Also please excuse my missing grammar marks as I do not have my keyboard set on french.

J'ai demande a Dieu s'il etait heureux avec son peuple, quand nous commencons a crier et lui donner la grace,especialement durant les temps de besoin. C'est comme nous avons fait du bruit dans les oreilles et rien d'autre. C'est comme nous n'avons prendre au Dieu serieux dans nos vies et seulement t'a appelle quand il y a un probleme ou concerne.

Est-ce qu'on vraiment savoir le travaille de Dieu?

Durant les semaines prochaines je vais etre pensee de ma vie (je vais reflechir a ma vie) et mon relation personnel avec Dieu. Je vais ecrire un plan d'intervention (je ne put pas trouver un autre mot pour ce qui je veux dire) Mais essentialement c'est mon desir de se rapprocher de Dieu. Merci et parlez avec vous bientot!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Start back at one

It has been awhile since I've posted. I've been quite busy with work and there have been some storms. I have learned that taking my eyes off God and resting it on my problem can literally suck the life out of you. It is only a matter of time before you become weak and running back to the source of life. I went to church for the first time in a few weeks. I had been so consumed with work and doing a good job that I had invested days and nights into doing my best to prepare for my learners. The demand coupled with commuting for long hours proved to be too much for me and within the first two months, I threw in the towel and found myself physically tired, energy drained and saying "now what?" With no backup plan here I am again crawling back to Jesus. literally baby steps. A man once said if you don't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. I question this cycle of losing focus and wanting to do things in my own strength. I reminisce on my faith journey and those days where nothing else mattered just to be close to God and to follow after his heartbeat and now I am stuck in thinking about what I can get out of life, a somewhat selfish mentality. Lord bring me back to your heartbeat and strip all selfishness from my hands. I have so much to think about and pray about. I want to use those gifts which you have given me and I want my goals to be pleasing to you. Give me wisdom and restore my sense of worth and confidence by looking at this world and life through your eyes/perspective. Teach me!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Thoughts from my heart

Yesterday I met a man in his 90's. I sat in the doctors office waiting to speak with the physician and as only the two of us waited in the room, our eyes met and we began to talk. He told me about the responsibility he has taking care of his ill wife and how it's not easy even when the private nurse visits them for a few hours each day. He continued with his role as a husband and how he cooks and had stopped by the doctors office because he fell and hurt his head. He removed his cap and I saw the bandages carefully placed on his head. When I asked him about his family and if he had children he said yes, but they were too busy with their own families, although they do stop by to visit for a couple of hours. I began to think about my parents and the responsibility of soon supporting them.

As he reflected on his life he shared with me his experiences living in South Africa for several years and then moving to Canada. He owned a company and worked in construction. I was so proud of his achievements and really encouraged that he was so strong.

It broke my heart when he said that life was hard for him as he had to take care of his wife and that he doesn't care if he goes right now. Everyone has to go someday! His gesture and words convinced me that he thought if someone is good he or she goes up and if someone is bad he or she goes down. I wanted to share the Gospel in that moment, but weak in faith the most I could say was mention Jesus' name and Heaven. He shook his head in a manner as if he was not sure if that was right.

The conversation was great and as I walked out of the office and into another medical centre full of with adult children and their aging parents I found myself convinced that God was speaking about my role and duty to take care of mom and dad. Until now, I could see myself living for me and not accomplishing anything. It is like being trapped trying to worry about myself and future and helping my parents when I am still not fully established. I don't know what the future looks like, but I constantly find myself on a hazy path, I say hazy because although I have goals I feel something always pops up and interrupts it...or is it my lack of ability to stay focused.

I remember at the doctors office the elderly man I spoke to said that although he wishes to just go on, he couldn't because he needed to take care of his wife. Why? "It's my duty!" he said. I suddenly feel if I approach life and my relationships, how I handle money and spend the time and serve others and God and everything in between with the mindset of "my duty!" if this would change the results.

There is so much I wish I could go back and do differently and although I feel I have lived life, sheltered sharing everything with God and no one else, I feel it's time for me to take a step of faith into independence, take the burden off my parents of worrying about what I am going to do God for a good job, remain faithful and committed to my duties, be proactive in finding a Christian mate and work on my relationships with family and friends.

I feel right now like the biggest loser for Christ, I feel my lifestyle has taken a journey on a rollercoaster and because of that I have been unbeliever will believe my report,, no believer will want to encourage me...I need you Jesus...break me so that I know what it means to cling onto you and never let go, but help me see the things that you have planned for me because sometimes I just want to throw in the towel, but it's that hope that you give and faith as small as a mustard seed that I am holding onto.

I would love to just be a GREAT teacher, a MOTHER to my own children and orphans and a GREAT wife supporting my husband, but I need you to help me work on my relationship with I can be a GREAT daughter to you Lord and to my earthly parents and a GREAT sister, aunty, friend and everything in between.

Friday, July 19, 2013

I only want to be in love with Jesus, Lord renew my mind, renew my thoughts and show me what it means to fall deep in love with you. I want to go deeper than I have ever been before to a place where when my whole world is falling apart, I remain calm, loving you more in my heart. I don't want anyone to take my love for you no man or friend. I will put you first.

Lord remind me to always pray and not lose heart. I want your Holy Spirit to control me. I surrender everything to you because I can't do it. I acknowledge my selfishness and my sin and I repent. I don't want to live a selfish life or invest in the physical things of this world, but Lord I just want to be satisfied in you.

I have not been faithful. Lord grant me your favor, forgive me. I have been lukewarm and not hot for you. Sometimes I feel like Lord I don't know why you love me and choose to love me despite the times I have denied you.

Lord, I know that I don't have to worry about what people think, but I just need to put you first and serve you.

Accept me Lord, not because of what I have done. but because of what I can never do in terms of righteousness, but to live by faith and seek your will all the days of my life. I love you Lord and I keep holding on.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Life...when you feel like you've hit rock bottom...hold on

While I am not at rock bottom yet, it is so unbelievably amazing how things can change in your life from one moment to the next. Situations happen where at one moment it feels like you can conquer the world and you are on a very high pinnacle, but there are those where you feel life has take a 360 degree turn on you and you find yourself struggling. What happens to faith? Well, for me whenever I take my eyes off of God, even but for a second I lose all sense of my reality of faith and begin to focus on my problems then begin to look bigger and bigger.

I know that I need to refocus my attention on God, but avoiding distractions has proven at times to be quite difficult, but I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

Now, I am not sure what is ahead for me or where and what God will have me to do next, but I am realizing that a life of faith will see me through each and every circumstance if I just stay in communion with my Heavenly Father and don't focus on what other people might say or do.

The battle often occurs in the mind and I have to be careful because if I start to believe the lies that the enemy proposes, it could literally change my whole life. Our thoughts eventually change our actions if we believe them.

People are people is a piece of advice that I heard last week. It really stuck with me!
This helps to put ideas into perspective especially when at times we feel judged or if we are tempted to pass judgments. It is never OKAY to do so. From experience, I know how it feels to be judged and to mess up and say things that people take in a judgmental way. The enemy at times would love to play on our mistakes, but at the end of the day KNOW that God is bigger than all our problems, perceptions, mistakes and disappointments.

There has to be a purpose why I am in this predicament that I am in now and my response in any event will be to praise the Lord and to let not thoughts come in the way from obscuring my fellowship or judgment. God grant me to wisdom. I want more wisdom and desire it to make decisions that are pleasing to you.

I want that faith that continues to persist and persist despite the hard times, a faith that just continues to seek you Lord in everything and that literally sees you working out everything for our own good. God is in control!

I was so blessed by the sermon preached yesterday morning by a visiting pastor and even more encouraged that he helped to shift my focus back on God. I know I have messed up a times  and taken my faith for granted. I don't generally consider myself a quitter, but I know the feeling of almost giving up on God and everyone else and being tempted to not care anymore. Lord it is quite lonely and I never want to neglect the faith that you have given me. Your word says that everyone must work out their own salvation and so that is what I will continue to do.

My desire is to glorify your name. Father glorify your name :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Good morning!

Today is a beautiful day, the sun is out and a cool breeze is sneaking through my window. I am sitting here listening to a sermon and thinking about some of the items that will go on my list of things to do. Lord I am trusting you in the upcoming months to put me where you want me and Lord although I  have plans in my heart, I will meditate upon your word and trust you in everything.

I pray that you shape me into all that I can be and that you help me to intercede on behalf of others. I pray for two ladies I know who may encounter difficulties in their own lives Lord guide them, Lord teach them to listen, Lord speak to their hearts.


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dear God

I am thankful for you Lord! I am thankful for your presence, even when at times my life is so clouded and I can't feel your presence although I know you're there. I want to ask you for forgiveness because I have been trying to do things selfishly at times and Lord I just want to be a blessing for your kingdom. Right now I have some ideas of what I want to do for the next 5 years, but Lord I need you to help me because I need focus. Lord help me! I have learned that I need to wait on you and be patient. Waiting is so hard to do! I want to be a great teacher, I want to be an investor and I want  a family.

I have to get ready now. I am starting my study goals right now!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dear God

Life is confusing! There are times I lose focus and feel like I should just give up on my dreams and just settle, but a glimpse of hope and faith keep me dreaming. At times I have to stop and just take a deep breath...God I almost gave up on you and that's the most disappointing part of it all.

I know that trials and doubts only make great learning opportunities and so I just want to learn from my past, the present and the situations and experiences that will come.

I am learning to be myself, not to  be afraid to be me and think my own thoughts and make my own decisions and to be a leader not a follower. I am learning not to do or say things to seek approval from others because I only want to be pleasing to you and I find that I have been at times trying to be on everyone's good side, forgetting that I can't please everyone.

I am also learning more about myself as I reflect on the woman I am, I've been and the woman I want to be. I would love someday to be a great mother and although I feel I need experience with relationships, I know that God in your timing and even now you are teaching me how to trust and be a proverbs 31 woman...I feel so unworthy when I compare myself to a Proverbs 31 woman, but I am praying God that you change my hearts desire and renew my perspective on life...the godly perspective to love and live each day like its my last.

I am off to a church service now, but God spare my life when I come home I will again attempt to work on my goals. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

My dreams are slowly fading

What is love? I know that God loves me and my relationship with Him is solely based on faith, I can't see or hear Him, but I know He is there. Even when I really feel like no one is there, somewhere deep down inside I am comforted by just a thought of His promise. 

I always wondered what it would be like to have someone love me as God does. My dreams for meeting someone, getting married and being a missionary wife is slowly fading

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Life! Amazing how after you get over one test and trial you are thrown more. I guess now this is a test encouraging me to be bold and strong and honest at all times. There is confusion that the enemy is trying to reap and I know it is all a simple misunderstanding, but how do you open up and let the authority figure who you don't really talk too about such issues know. God give me the strength to clarify this understanding and wisdom from above. Although I am also weary of tests and trials and right now I feel like I've not eaten much of the spiritual word, I know Lord you are in control of everything and I will find the strength to clarify this misunderstanding and not let the enemy weaken my faith or my family's. I love you Lord:)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dear God

Wow! I can't believe I'm almost done with my education program and although I feel things could have gone better, I am ready Lord for a new start. I really want to become more independent and to save more for maybe my own house some day with a recording studio....:) It seems like this is a dream, but I know I can achieve it, if I just stay focused. Lord help me to stay focused. I want to move (maybe another country or city), but I just need to move. Right now I feel like I am a taker, but I want to be a giver. Lord help me to make wise decisions and to be a light to those people that I will meet along the way.

Teach me about relationships, there is a particular individual who I really want to encourage and I only have this week to do so, please give me the words to say to this person. I want him to know you and understand that he can find love, peace and joy in you.

Lord, sometimes I feel like an ineffective witness because I question my walk with you and question if I am really in a position to lead others to you. I thank you Lord that you are a gracious God and I know that everyone makes mistakes so Lord when I fall remind me that your grace is sufficient for me.

I want to live with integrity and honesty, please forgive me for the times I have failed to do so.

I love you :)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

I ask myself about life

and how much longer Lord do I have to fight the good fight of faith.. Yes, life is great at times and at times it is difficult to maneuver, but I find strength in Christ to never give up. Sometimes I am tired of the same routines down here on earth and knowing that God spare my life that there as long as I am on this earth there are still more trials to overcome. I question myself at times how good of a witness am I for you? Especially during those times (which feels like often) where I get so caught up in my own interests I oversee the hurting all around me. Sometimes I give into stubborness that I miss opportunities to hurt so that others can heal and find peace in you. I can't wait for what heaven will be like, no more mistakes, perfected, not worrying about hurting others and You Lord, but only always getting things right from there on. My prayer is for someone who feels unwanted and my untimely comments probably didn't make this person feel anymore special. This person has made mistakes which some people would deem unforgiveable, but Lord I so just want this person to know that You still love and cherish this person and there is nothing that this person has done that you will not forgive when they put their faith in you. It is so simple! But why Lord do I have trouble letting them know this and particularly this person. Lord give me strength and always remind me that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, but fearing you in reverence. I love you and I won't give up, no matter how  difficult this life might be at times. Lord remind me also that you won't let me go and even when I'm blinded to your love and feel at my worse Lord let your presence hover over me and may I just rest in your peace. Dear God, I know I haven't said this much these past few months, but I really love you! Please help me find someone who will try to out beat me in loving you. Amen !

Thursday, March 14, 2013

I'm falling

because I haven't been in daily communication with you, constant communication with you. Lord, please help me to get back on track, I still have some time left to win souls, but how can I if I mingle with the affairs of the world. Constantly renew my mind as I read your word. I need to stay focus. Lord help me forget about the worries and temporary pleasures of this world and help me to constantly renew myself in your word. My identity is in You. Lord have your way in me. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Fighting to move forward

Sometimes I feel like I can just scream! Yet deep down inside when it feels like no one is there, I still hold onto that string of hope and peace that is found in knowing you. I have been quite rebellious these past few months Lord and wanting to  do things in my own strength and rely on my own understanding for everything. As I am getting older, I noticed that I've been getting a bit anxious for certain things. Why? I've lost focused on my heavenly mission and all I need is to get closer to you. 

These past few months, I've been losing the battle. Too focused on what others have been thinking about me...I lost sight of the fact that only what You think of me Lord matters. The enemy tries to discourage me by replaying my faults and missed opportunities to share the Gospel with others and I feel at times another soul remains lost because I failed to show them You Lord. 

Help my stubborness! Direct my energy and thoughts on You and you only and help me to forgive and love my enemies. It's difficult and even impossible to do in my own strength, but I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

I love you Lord :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dear God

I need  you every minute. Deliver me from the thoughts and the temptations that do not glorify YOU. Draw me back by Your Spirit to the place I was with you before, refine the fire and desire within me to study your word and open my eyes that I may daily understand that the time is short and do my best to redeem the time and share the Gospel with others in word and most importantly as a living testimony. Amen

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Dear God: Forgiveness

Thank you God for today and for showing me today that I am a new creation and I don't have to entangle myself in sin. I did it! I was angry and wanted to repay someone with the hurt they had hurt me with and so I took up the avoidance behavior again. God you have shown me that my ministry is a ministry of reconciliation and not shunning. Forgive me Lord! 

I need wisdom, Lord give me wisdom! I need it to deal with this situation. I pray for this particular person. I pray that this person be able to forgive me for whatever hurt I've caused. Forgive me to Lord. I want to love as you command in 1 Corinthians. Lord, let me do what is pleasing in YOUR eyes and only YOUR eyes then I will know for sure that I will be loving as you do. 

Lord I pray for understanding from this person and most importantly that you continue to put the desire in me to heed your word, to forgive and even through forgiveness that I may be able to win some to you. God let me never forget your truth. 


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

I thank you God for another year of life. As I move forward this year I am going to trust you ALWAYS. It has been difficult because Lord you know that I have been challenged with this trust and I recognize that forgiveness has a big part to do with it. I am going to count my blessings and I seek maturity not only as a person, but as a child in Christ. I will write more about my goals here soon.